NTAT - Tubuai airport
NTAT stands for Tubuai airport
Here you will find, what does NTAT stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Tubuai airport? Tubuai airport can be abbreviated as NTAT What does NTAT stand for? NTAT stands for Tubuai airport. What does Tubuai airport mean?Tubuai airport is an expansion of NTAT
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Alternative definitions of NTAT
- Not To Accompany Troops
- Near Term ACME Technology
- National Talent Acquisition Test
- Tubuai, French Polynesia
View 5 other definitions of NTAT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- NTAR Rurutu airport
- NSTU Pago Pago International airport
- NSFI Fagali'i airport
- NSMA Maota airport
- NSFA Faleolo International airport
- NSAU Asau airport
- NSAP Apia airport
- NLWW Hihifo airport
- NLWF Futuna airport
- NIUE Niue International airport
- NGUK Aranuka airport
- NGTU Butaritari airport
- NGTS Tabiteuea South airport
- NGTR Arorae Island airport
- NON Nonouti airport
- NGTO Nonouti airport
- NGTM Tamana airport
- NGTE Tabiteuea North airport
- NGTB Abemama Atoll airport
- NGTA Bonriki International airport